Acadia Junior High donates a Drip Irrigation System to Tigithi Secondary School


The PA-MOJA team visited Tigithi School on August 6, 2012 for most of the morning. We were welcomed by the head teacher, Mr. John Mushiri.

In 2011, a class at Acadia Junior High entered a water contest and won $1000 to purchase a drip irrigation system for the school. John decided to install gutters to collect rainwater from the roofs rather than make the two kilometer journey to the river. The water flows through pipes that lead to plastic tubing laid out in a grid over the ground in the garden. Each of these small tubes has 50 tiny holes that allows small drips of water to come out directly onto each plant.

According to John, the garden was full of cabbages in June that have been used in the kitchen. At this date there are still many full grown cabbages as well as new young cabbage plants coming up to keep up a continuous supply for the students to eat.

A group from Slovakia that visited the school in the last year was so impressed with the irrigation system that they decided to provide funding for a greenhouse. The irrigation system now provides water for the tomato plants in the greenhouse. The plants are full of tomatoes for the school and so plentiful that some are sold to the community.

While walking back across the school grounds, John pointed out the huge concrete water tank that has been built for the community. The tank is presently empty, but John has a plan. He is proposing to add more collection gutters to school buildings as well as a submersible water pump to send the water up to the community water tank for everyone to use. All this from one irrigation system.

Congratulations to the Acadia students for all their hard work. Click on the movie and enjoy.

By Betty Kiddell

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