PA-MOJA Team visits Ereri Primary School

IMG_1948The PA-MOJA team and Ol Pejeta staff were welcomed to Ereri School by Principal Girald Ngatia. This school was recently awarded the “Most Improved” status in Laikipia by the District Education Office. This status recognizes both the increase in the number of students enrolled at the school, which is at almost 500, and their performance on the national exams.

A nursery class pupil leads the class.

Students danced for the visitors and shouted a big “Jambo – Hello” to the students at Como Lake Middle School in Canada with whom they are hoping to set up a sister school relationship. After the performance, the team was given a tour of the school.

During the tour, students were seen emptying small containers of water into larger containers. Apparently there is no available source of water at the school, so many students carry small containers to school each day so that there is water in which to boil the beans and maize for their meal at noon. Students also carry pieces of firewood to school every day  to cook their food. With all of the students contributing a small amount of water and firewood, they are able to maintain the lunches for everyone.

Githeri (maize and beans) boiling for lunch.
Pupils transferring water to larger containers.

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