Thome Boys Secondary still growing

New pkss cow
New PA-MOJA cow

Thome Boys Secondary School, a center of excellence, is one of the few schools of its kind.

new calf
The Principal and the new calf

On a recent visit, Moses Waihenya,  the education officer at Ol Pejeta,  was delighted to find that the school was blessed with another new male calf born from the cow purchased for the school in 2012.

The week old calf has not yet been named, and principal, Mr. Samuel Mweri,  said, “We are very grateful to God for the blessings we have received this year, including a visit from PA-MOJA volunteer, Amanda Bankert,  who is our new sister school spokesperson from GAMP (Girard Academy Music Program). We would like someone from GAMP to name the new calf as our way of saying thanks; we feel this will help us create a connection to our sister school.”

kevin and colleagues
Kevin and other students

With the new birth the school will be in a position to sustain the school with milk for students’ tea as well as sell some to subsidize the meals. As Moses went around the school he managed to enter a grade 12 (form 4) class thinking it was empty but to his surprise he found students in their home clothes busy in groups doing their revisions.  Kevin, one of  the PA-MOJA sponsored students, could not help smiling as Moses took a photo of him in his group work and assured him that he was working really hard to achieve his dream grade of an ‘A.’ By  the look of things this appears  quite promising.




Photos and story by Moses Waihenya

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  1. The news of the new calf is really exciting. This will also help sustain the biogas program at the school.
    -Alison Stuart, Director, PA-MOJA

  2. I’m so glad to hear this! I can’t wait to know what the new calf’s name will be.
    Well done Thome for taking such good care of your cows.

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