A Letter from a Young Fundraiser

winter spring 2014, PA-MOJA 009

Hi. My name is Esther and I am going to tell you an amazing story about how my friends and I have made a difference in this world. It all started when the organization Free the Children came to my middle school and informed us that not many people are as fortunate as us in the world.

After two days my teachers,  Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Albiston, decided to let the other class and my class have an opportunity to try to make a difference in the world just like Craig Kielburger. So we went into groups and we started to plan what we could do to help other people. Then our teachers said to choose a charity to fundraise for, and that’s when I remembered about PA-MOJA.

All my friends, Malika, Brynn, Kobi, Julie-anna, Skylar, and Karma agreed to choose PA-MOJA to donate to. Before, during and after spring break we did a lot of bake sales and bottle drives. Whenever we had spare time we worked hard on our projects.

winter spring 2014, PA-MOJA 001

That hard work paid off because we have raised $383.00 dollars and we are still making more money.

I have to thank Mrs.Tochkin for teaching me how helping and thinking of other people is more important than just being selfish and helping yourself to everything you want. In the future my friends and I will look forward to fundraising a lot more for PA-MOJA.


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  1. Congratulations, Esther, Malika, Brynn, Kobi, Julie-anna, Skylar, and Karma. You raised enough for a Kenyan student to go to school for a full year. Thank you for being so generous with your time and giving back to the world. Maybe one day you will be able to travel to Kenya to see some of the PA-MOJA projects.

    Silvia Knittel

  2. Thank you for your wonderful story, Esther. You and your group have definitely made a difference in the lives of many children. Keep up the good work.
    Heather Hall
    Director PA-MOJA

  3. Thank you, Esther and your friends for all your hard work to fundraise for PA-MOJA which I am working with to help kids in Laikipia, Kenya go to school. I am really moved by your work and appreciate on behalf of the kids who will have opportunity to go to school because of you and your friends.

  4. Great job organizing this Esther! The world needs more people like you and your friends! 🙂

  5. Thank you Esther and your friends Malika, Brynn, Kobi, Julie-anna, Skylar, Karma and everybody else who helped you come up with this idea of fundraising for the needy. You really have made a great difference in someones life. Continue with the same helping spirit and thank you for choosing to donate for PA-MOJA and supporting the work it does hoping that you will one time visit Kenya and get to see the change you made.

  6. Hi Emily

    I was speaking to a gr. 6/7 class about education in Kenya and PA-MOJA and I told them how much you raised. They were in awe that a small group of students their age could raise enough money to support a full year of education for a child in Kenya. You and your friends have set a great example for other students.
    Thank you.

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