Tharua Primary School is a developing school that has 189 boys and 191 girls. There are also 10 teachers from Standards 1 to 8 and 3 in ECD classes. There is a total of 115 ECD pupils, 65 boys and 50 girls.
The school has eight classrooms for Standards 1 to 8 and 3 ECD classrooms, Standard 7 and 8 being the only permanent class. The school also has 10 boys’ latrines, 9 girls’ latrines, and 4 teachers’ latrines. There is a semi permanent kitchen where the food for the students is prepared. Unfortunately there are often shortages as the school is not fully provided for.
The Ministry of Education has considered the local needs and has established a special unit for disabled students. This is provided to assist the disabled children in the surrounding community have access to education. Above are pictures of the unit.
Group discussions and private studies are held outside under a tree. A school library is needed to allow students to study during rainy seasons. Below are some of the students quenching their thirst with water they fetch from two kilometers away. While they undergo all this hardship they are happy and take time to play in the fields.
Pupils at Tharua Primary School also engage themselves in school clubs during free time, like the Health Learning Club and the Scouts Club.
The school does not have a fence, a feeding program, a school library, or complete classrooms. Many students drop out of school because of the long distance to school and a lack of basic needs like food and clothing caused by extreme poverty.
Great to hear from Tharua! I hope that we can find a way to help improve your learning conditions.