Mercy Nakaanga Lemuli

Name: Mercy Nakaanga Lemuli

School: Shamata Girls’ Secondary

Community: Mutara

My name is Mercy Lemuli. I was born in Rumuruti, Laikipia County. I am the eldest child in my family of four. In my free time, I enjoy reading story books. They keep me occupied and entertained.

Last year, I took the KCPE exam after giving up on life. As a Samburu girl, I understand that our culture forces early marriages, and I wanted to create a better life for myself. After a few days, I was called for an interview. I answered the questions courageously and was selected because I clearly explained how our community enforces early marriages, a practice I wanted to overcome.

I received the scholarship from Ol Pejeta because of my courage and being the only girl who scored above 250 marks in the KCPE from my school. This allowed me to join secondary school at Shamata Girls High School. I started working hard because I didn’t want to disappoint my sponsor. I also enjoy playing netball, which helps me balance my academic and athletic strengths.

My dream is to become a doctor. I admire doctors when I see them treating people. This career path would allow me to improve the lives of many people and help them live comfortably. My dream motivates me to work hard so that I can achieve my goal. When I become a doctor, I will advocate for people in my community to stop abusing women through forced early marriages and FGM.

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