Amber Illes

Amber Illes is a Grade Five teacher at the Langley Fine Arts School and is a co-chair of the PA-MOJA committee. Wanting to do something impactful to help others, Amber was inspired to join PA-MOJA and raise money for Kenyan student scholarships. She believes that education should be a basic human right, and therefore, that all children should have access to quality education. Amber’s passion for fundraising started when she was teaching a Grade Two class and they were planning a small fundraiser for the kids in Kenya. Her biggest passion however, is empowering kids and helping them see the impact they can have in the world.  

In 2013, Amber started an after school PA-MOJA club at Langley Fine Arts School for children in Grades 4 and 5.  The children were enthralled by the opportunity to learn about wildlife and another culture and were eager to plan several fundraisers to help raise money for Kenyan scholarships.  Since then, Amber teaches about PA-MOJA within the classroom and plans an annual Harry Potter Day bake sale fundraiser with all of the Grade 5’s. She appreciates how PA-MOJA teaches kids about social responsibility (one of the core competencies in the BC curriculum), providing an example of how to make a positive, sustainable change in the world. 

When Amber finally went to Kenya in 2014, she was scared at first, because she was traveling far away from her family. But when she got there, and visited several boarding schools, her perspective changed. She realized that in Kenya students can be away from their families for months at a time. “Touring the schools, working with students, and seeing the beautiful animals at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy was a wonderful experience. It opened my eyes to how amazing Kenya is, and how bright the people are- so full of hope and aspirations. I was lucky to be able to travel to Kenya with co-founder Silvia Knittel. Now I really understand how important it is to give opportunities to young Kenyans to help them fulfill their dreams.”

When Amber returned from Kenya, she joined the PA-MOJA committee as the Fundraising Coordinator. After Silvia’s passing in 2018, she wanted to help carry on Silvia’s legacy and make sure PA-MOJA would continue to grow and thrive. She returned to Kenya in 2019, which deepened her understanding and appreciation of the organization.  She finds volunteer work very fulfilling and loves being part of an organization that has a significant and positive impact on young people, both here and in Kenya.  

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