Beautiful vocals and a long legacy of giving were the joyful notes in the air at Langley Fine Arts School’s annual Night of Choirs on Dec. 8th. This event is the biggest fundraiser of the year for PA-MOJA, and celebrates the impressive work of 8 choirs, from K-12. During intermission, the Kenyan Christmas Market featured small curious brought back from Kenya by volunteers in past summer trips.
This year the school brought back the PA-MOJA Donation Card campaign, a successful fundraiser from years past. The campaign was inspired by students who wanted to give up part of their Christmas to support a child in Kenya. The cards read: “This year, as a gift to you, I have donated $____ in your name to PA-MOJA.” The Night of Choirs raised $12,000 for PA-MOJA! Student volunteers from the PA-MOJA Club (Anastasia Stoddart, Skyla Siefke, Alisha Chohan, Isobel Evans and Amelia Siefke) did an amazing job working in the market and promoting the campaign. Asante Sana Langley Fine Arts School! Together, we are making a HUGE difference!