Mwituria Secondary is amongst the local schools supported by PA-MOJA in conjunction with the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. It has students from the surrounding community, The boys are very bright and managed to join high school at a very young age. They are very happy to be in this school which is close to home; they have promised to work hard to make their dreams come true. Others come from quite a long distance and so have to ride on bicycles to be able to arrive to school at the required time.
Mwituria Secondary School is located at the furthest end of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy on the way to Rumututi town. It is a new school with its first class doing the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education at the end of 2013. It has a capacity of 138 students, 83 boys and 55 girls. The school does not have enough teaching personnel since the government has only been able to employ 3 teachers for the school. However, the parents, together with the teachers, have tried to employ 5 more teachers.
It also has semi permanent infrastructures since it is still growing and many efforts have been made by well wishers to improve the school infrastructures. For example, the Kenya Wildlife Service has built 2 classrooms for the school, the CDF (Community Development Fund) normally provided by the government, has helped construct the school library. PA-MOJA, in conjunction with Ol Pejeta Conservancy, has also helped in the renovation of a classroom.

The PTA(Parents Teachers Association) has also constructed the school toilets; however, there are not enough, so the teachers and the students share the same latrines. This school also does not have electricity which is a big challenge to the students. There is also a problem of water in the school since the school has only 2 tanks for water storage both of only 10,000 litres each. This is another major challenge since the students are strictly restricted from misusing water in anyway whatsoever.
Mwituria Secondary School has also not been left out in having school clubs. It has an Environmental Club which when you look at the school compound has enhanced the planting of trees. There is also a debate club which helps students improve language and social interaction as well as education on the discussed topics.

There is also an entertainment club, a music club and a young farmers club.