Peter Muthee – PA-MOJA Scholarship Student

Name: Peter Muthee

Age: 16

School: Mary Mother of Grace Boys Secondary School

Class: Grade 10 (in 2023)

Peter loves drawing and using computers during his free time is the fifth born in a family of 6.

His relationship with PA-MOJA started in 2008 when members of the PA-MOJA team met his grandmother and her six grandchildren at their home in Mai Mahiu, Rift Valley

When the PA-JOJA team met the family, they were living in extreme poverty and the children had not been enrolled in school. The eldest boy, David, was then ten years old and was responsible for many of the chores that kept the family alive. The children were severely malnourished, and they all crowded together in one small bed in the two-room shack.

Peter doesn’t remember his mother well because she came and left sporadically and by then he was very young. She returned to their home whenever she was pregnant, but would leave soon after giving birth. This continued until she gave birth to the youngest, Mary, after which she left and never returned. The six children were left under the care of Grandma Mary and she had to till other people’s land to earn enough income to buy food.

In 2011, PA-MOJA helped Grandma Mary and her six grandchildren move to the town of Nanyuki where they live to date.  This is also when Peter and his siblings started attending the Mount Kenya Baptist School. Peter would like to thank his guardians; Mr and Mrs Mbugua who hosts him and his five siblings at the school during school holidays because Grandma Mary is no longer healthy enough to look after the six kids for an extended period of time. He considers them a blessing in his life. Peter visits his grandmother for a few days during the holidays and he always enjoys assisting her with house chores. The best moments with his grandma is when she gathers all of them and narrates stories after dinner.

Peter’s favourite subjects are Social Studies and Christian Religious Education. He would like to be a pilot in future. Peter is always in the top 5 students in his class and he loves doing Taekwondo as an extra-curricular activity at the school.

Peter would wish to thank his sponsors. “I am very sure were it not for PA-MOJA, neither I nor my siblings would have gone to school. The decent life we are living today, we owe it to them.”
[one_third_last] Christmas Greetings, August 2018 Update, [/one_third_last]

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